Friday, November 12, 2010

6 Marketing Automation New Year's Resolutions - #1

This is typically the time of year that many companies revisit their goals, initiatives and 2011 objectives. So in looking ahead to next year, what marketing automation resolutions/goals should you focus on, and in which order?

While this is often driven by your company's overall business objectives, we do know that tackling specific goals in a specific order can greatly influence your chances for long term success - best in class success in fact.

At some point in your career you were probably told that marketing automation is not an event but a journey. It’s so true.

No matter how badly your company wants to be on the marketing automation autobaun at 120 MPH, there is a ramp-up period. You can't fight the laws of physics. So step one for next year is to get everyone over the fact that it is impossible to achieve every goal/resolution first.

Marketing Automation New Year's Resolution #1:

There are 4 steps to this:

Step 1: Aligning with Your CEO:
It goes without saying that making your CEO look good makes you and your team look good. And since the goal of almost every CEO is growth, make sure everyone on your team is clear about what specific kind of growth the CEO is expecting. Is it revenue growth? Is it growth in profit?

Step 2: Align Sales and Marketing Success Metrics:
If marketing measures its success by growth in new leads but sales is measuring success based on growth in sales revenue, this disconnect will prevent establishing true corporate alignment. Eloqua recently launched RPM - Revenue Performance Management, a brilliant concept that best of breed companies seem to have in common as a methodology. For example, just having sales and marketing aligned to the same measurements of success is a huge step towards best in class performance.

Step 3: Determine contribution to Goal by Sales and Marketing
So if the CEO’s goal is $100m in revenue, the next step is to determine the contribution to goal by both sales and marketing. Who owns what percentage of the goal? Does marketing own 60% and sales 40% for example? Get clear about who contributes what. This prevents any year-end finger pointing concerning who didn’t perform.

Step 4: Define Resulting Targets at Each Lead Funnel Stage
Marketing’s next step is to work the funnel backwards in determining the volume you need at each lead stage to achieve your revenue goal. If marketing’s goal is to generate $60m in revenue then you’ll need to determine the quantity of leads required at the SQL stage, the SAL stage, the MQL stage, the Inquiry stage and the Suspect stage in order to reach the goal. Use historical conversion metrics as your guide. If you don’t have these metrics, Sirius Decisions has benchmark conversion data at each stage you can leverage.

Updated 5-8-12
Visit my brand new website and learn more about marketing metrics and ROMI

See all 6 Marketing Automation New Year's Resolutions:

Resolution #1 - Establish Corporate Alignment
Resolution #2 - Establish One View of the Truth
Resolution #3 - Establish Data Standardization
Resolution #4 - Fill in the Content Gaps
Resolution #5 - Tighten the Plumbing
Resolution #6 - Harvest the Unknown Visitor

Steve Kellogg
-Demand Generation/Marketing Automation Consultant, Astadia
-Eloqua Certified Marketing Best Practices Consultant

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