Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Funnel Goo

Leads cost money to generate, yet almost all companies lose thousands of dollars in lost revenue due to a leaky sales funnel. Now you can repair the leaks quickly and easily! Simply apply Funnel Goo directly to the leaks and watch as it stops them instantly.

Perfect for repairing:

• Leads that leak out after Sales has cherry picked the DB

• Leads that leak out after sales rejects those that marketing deems qualified

• Existing customers who receive no-cross sell or up-sell nurturing

• Even works on customers who leak out at the end of their subscription renewal

Funnel Goo has been especially formulated to repair even the most costly leaks, including the following:

Leak #1: Marketing generates fresh leads and hands them off to sales. Sales cherry pick the best, the rest leak out.

Leak #2: Marketing generates fresh leads and nurtures/scores them. Once qualified they are handed off to sales. Sales accepts some and rejects others. These sales-rejected leads leak out.

Leak #3: Leads purchase products and services and become customers. Yet, because there are no up-sell and/or cross-selling activities, the customer leaks out at the end of their lifecycle.

Leak #4: Leads purchase subscription services and become customers. Yet, because there are no renewal activities during the subscription period, the customer leaks out at the end of their term.

~ Ah, if it were only this simple…But maybe it is.

Step 1: Identify the leaks (chances are they include all 4 above)

Step 2: Decide which leak to repair first

Step 3: Develop a process to plug that leak

Step 4: Once the 'goo' (process) works, move to the next leak and go to Step 3

Imagine how much stronger your sales revenue would be if you did nothing else but focus on repairing these leaks this year.

A special shout out to my Father-in-Law, a retired NASA Physicist and avid tennis player, who invented the original Shoe Goo after getting tired of wasting so much money buying new tennis shoes, simply because there was no effective way to repair his existing ones.

I like his thinking.

Updated 5-8-12
Visit my brand new website and learn more about marketing automation best practices

Steve Kellogg
-Demand Generation/Marketing Automation Consultant, Astadia
-Eloqua Certified Marketing Best Practices Consultant

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