Thursday, November 15, 2012

Content Positioning: Preventative or Pain Relief?

Did you know the average American spends almost twice as much on pain remedies than on vitamins each year? It's even higher when you factor in prescription pain remedies.

Now remember, I said the "average American". I know you health nuts are cringing right now.

But it makes sense. I know I am more focused on alleviating any current pain than on preventing future pain. And I would consider myself health-conscious.

For example, I am far more likely to reach for an Advil if I have a headache, than to reach for a vitamin if I do not have a headache.

So if this is true for people on a personal level, might they carry this preference with them when making business purchases?

Which is the truer statement at your company?

"Of course we don't look busy. We put the right systems and processes in place the first time". (Preventative)

"Of course we're busy. We have to manage all the incompatible systems that keep breaking". (Pain Relief).

In our experience as consultants, we hear the 2nd statement far more often that the first.

So if your conversions are getting stagnant, try positioning your content more on how your product or service alleviates existing pain and less on how your product or service prevents future pain. See if you don't get a higher conversion. As an added bonus when focusing on alleviating pain, you also get the added advantage of urgency that you don't get otherwise.

BTW: The average American purchases only 1 bottle of vitamins a year. Just sayin...

Eloqua Certified Marketing Automation Best Practices Consultant, Astadia

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Sources: Consumer Health Products Association,,